iStockphoto / michaelquirk
A 32-year-old man has gone viral after having to take the ACT exam and get at least a score of 19 as part of his league’s fantasy football punishment.
At this point in life, I’m not even sure what college entrance exams are really testing. It’s not an IQ test that gives a measure of aptitude, it’s merely a measure of the knowledge someone has accumulated up until their Junior or Senior years of high school and for a LOT of people most of that knowledge never gets used again after they go to college and get their degrees.
Tyler Harding shared a TikTok video of his fantasy football punishment. More specifically, he posted a video as he was arriving for the test and explaining what had to go down. Frankly, I think this is an easier punishment than in my league where we had a ‘fly rule’ that led to a guy sleeping in a haunted creepy clown motel next to a graveyard near Death Valley. But there’s a catch with this fantasy football punishment: he has to at least get an ‘average’ score of 19 or higher.
@papa_t_1212 Fantasy football punishment. This day has been haunting me for months!! #fantasyfootball #sports #fantasyfootballpunishment
He seemed so bright-eyed and bushy tailed going into the exam but when he left he seemed like he’d just been hit by a Mac truck:
@papa_t_1212 Part 2 of my fantasy football Punishment. Longest 5 hours of my life. Now i waitcfor the score. If i don’t get at least a 19 i have to do it again! #sports #fantasyfootball #punishment #fantasyfootballpunishment #actprep
I don’t remember my specific ACT score. It’s been way too long. But I remember I crushed it compared to the SAT. I also preferred the ACT over the SAT because I had to take the SAT an extra time after my score was literally quarantined inside of a post office because of an anthrax threat, back when that was happening. So everyone who took the test on my day at my location had to re-take the exam.
Taking exams as part of a fantasy football punishment is nothing new. I’ve heard about this for years. But the caveat of the person having to get a decent score or they’ll have to retake the test is pretty good.