iStockphoto / sportpoint
Half marathons are no joke for runners. People who are in good shape often go through strenuous training for half marathons.
This dude is not one of those people. He is clearly built different. After drinking 14 beers the night before a half marathon, only getting 5 hours of sleep, and showing up to the race with Busch Lattes still coursing through his veins he beasts his way through the race course while people in great shape, people who treat their bodies like a temple, all suffer around him.
His video has began going viral on TikTok showing the progression of things from the night before up through post-race including him making friends along the way and downing donuts during the race like he’s never eaten a meal in his life:
@alec.merlino Drunk marathoner #rockandroll #halfmarathon #rockandrollhalfmarathon #running #firstmarathon
In response to this video, Big Tennessee at Barstool said ‘yeah, he’s him’ which is a pretty accurate summary of how most guys feel after seeing this video. The top comment on TikTok also sums it up great saying “can you imagine training for this and you show up and there’s just some drunk dude running effortlessly??” which to be fair happens at every major race.
Someone else commented “being a man is getting wasted the night before a marathon and just believing you can do it. And doing it.” That right there is the cold hard truth. There’s nothing we can’t do when we put our minds to it.
If there’s one thing that’s true about large races like marathons and half marathons, there’s always going to be someone there who is so naturally gifted athletically they can show up and breeze their way to the finish line while barely breaking a sweat. I know this. Anyone who has ran a race has witnessed this. Or maybe I’ve just signed up for the wrong races in the past where freakish athletes gravitate.
The video just passed a million views on TikTok with everyone in awe of this bro’s half marathon.