Michael B Jordan was dedicated in his role as Apollo Creed’s son in the Rocky movie “Creed”. He was so dedicated that he took a hard right hook to the face for his art.
“The first couple times we tried to do [the punches], we tried to it with the slips. You know, and it’s slow motion, so you can see the misses — the space between the punches. So, all of a sudden, you just hear this snickering from the corner, and everybody’s like “What?” And Sly’s like, “Man you gotta take it.” I’m like, “What do you mean?” He’s like, “No, you gotta take a real punch.” Like, pretty much, I had to really get hit. And legally, Ryan [Coogler] — he’ll definitely tell you this — as a director, he can’t legally say “take the punch.” So I had to willingly step up and be like, “Alright, I’ll take the hit.” But I definitely got peer-pressured.”
Here’s the video.
Michael B Jordon, "young creed and "getting KO'd for real! But he got up and did it again! That's called guts!! pic.twitter.com/yFo3PVmvhA
— Sylvester Stallone (@TheSlyStallone) December 9, 2015
Now that’s dedication.