High School Football Team Exploits Dumb Rules To Use Crazy Long Missed Field Goal As Perfect Punt

High School Football Missed Field Goal Punt
Spectrum News Kansas City

A high school football team in Kansas City is at the center of an ongoing conversation about the NFHS and its rules on field goals. Kearney High School used a crazy long missed field goal to pin its opponent inside its own two-yard-line with a perfect punt.

If that sounds confusing, it is because it is confusing.

The National Federation of State High School Associations is the governing body that writes the rules of competition for most high school sports and activities in the United States. Football included.

Not every league follows NFHS rules but it members more than 19,000 high schools across the United States. Kearney, a small school in Missouri of approximately 1,000 students (or less), is one of them.

In fact, the 4-0 Bulldogs might benefit from the membership more than most!

They took advantage of a bogus rule to execute one of the best punts of the year. However, it was not a punt.

Kearney lined up for a field goal at its own 26-yard-line on 4th-and-8. Jacob Dillon trotted out for an attempt of more than 70 yards that he was asked to miss on purpose. So he did.

The kick traveled 60 yards in the air, bounced at the six and settled inside the one.

The missed field goal punt could not have been better executed. Park Hill was trapped right outside of its goal line.

Under NFHS rules, a missed field goal is treated like a punt. You can’t punt a field goal but you can miss a field goal to punt. Both punts and field goal attempts are defined as “scrimmage kicks.” They governed by the same rules. A missed field goal functions just like a punt in every way.

As long as the rules allow, even if they are dumb, Kearney is going to take advantage of legal high school football loopholes!

Grayson Weir BroBible editor avatar
Senior Editor at BroBible covering all five major sports and every niche sport imaginable, found primarily in the college space. I don't drink coffee, I wake up jacked.