I think she could probably give Cristiano Ronaldo a run for his juggling money, right? You might even recognize her from a Sony PlayStation Champions League TV commercial. This girl, Indi Cowie, has some serious, serious juggling talent. Like, up there with “best in the world” level talent. Trust me.
I briefly lived in Barcelona, Spain, where these kinds of freestyle soccer tricks were flaunted, like artistry, by street performers throughout the city – specifically up and down Las Ramblas. Some of the jugglers did it to make a really decent living, and earned a ton of respect along the way. I mean, it’s pretty hard not to stop and watch stuff like this when it’s happening before your eyes.
But, I couldn’t tell you one time I saw a more impressive display of talent than the stuff Indi Cowie was pulling off above, save one street performer in Paris who climbs a light pole in front of the Sacre-Coeu as part of his show.
Indi is waaaaayyyyyy more technical than him, though. Each and every one of her touches here is perfectly weighted and literally flawless.
My eyes can’t even keep up with her feet!
Absolute precision. That kind of stuff would surely leave defenders shaking their heads if it happened on the pitch.
Seriously, I could try this combination 1,000 times and be unsuccessful 1,000 times. Volley game? On point. Even the boys on ballin’ on the Venice courts can’t believe her skill!
Yeah, I think we all pretty much feel like those kids, absolutely awestruck, watching Indi showcase her skills.
Really superb stuff all around in the video that comes courtesy of LA Freestylers, the agency that represents Indi and a ton of other crazy-talented soccer athletes.
To see some more of Indi’s stellar freestyle work, you can check out her website here.
[via LA Freestylers]