The News
After a 17-month investigation into allegations of state-supported doping at the 2014 Olympics in Sochi, the IOC has suspended the Russian Olympic Committee (ROC).
Former Director of the Russian anti-doping laboratory in Moscow, Dr. Grigory Rodchenkov has become an infamous whistleblower. Dr. Rodchenkov claimed he created a performance enhancing substance and the ROC switched urine samples to avoid doping detection.
After initial investigations, over 100 Russian athletes were banned form the 2016 Rio Olympics, despite Russia’s repetitive denial of state-sponsored doping. Turns out, 1,000 athletes across 30 sports participated in the Russian doping program between 2012 and 2015.
“This was an unprecedented attack on the integrity of the Olympic Games and sport.” – Thomas Bach, IOC President
In addition to banning Russia from the 2018 Olympics, the IOC collecting reimbursement for the investigation costs and fine the ROC an additional $15 million.
Following the IOC report, FIFA President Gianni Infantino stated that the Russian Olympics ban will have no impact on the country’s hosting of the 2018 World Cup.
What This Means
I would be LIVID if I was one of the few Russian athletes that hadn’t used any performance enhancing substances then spent the past couple years qualifying for an Olympic event that just gave me the boot.
Luckily, qualifying Russian athletes will be allowed to compete under a neutral flag and only after passing vigorous testing by the IOC. Russian athletes that meet qualifying standards, have a clean record free of disqualifications or ineligibility for doping, and completed all pre-Games and additional testing requirements will be able to compete under the name ‘Olympic Athlete from Russia’ (OAR).
At the end of the day, the IOC will determine which Russian athletes qualify to compete for OAR.
The OAR athletes would compete under the Olympic flag, be honored with the Olympic anthem, and bear a uniform with neutral colors.
This is, in fact, a HUGE FUCKING DEAL!
You think Ohio State fans are mad now, imagine if the entire state of Ohio was banned from competing in every single sport… that would be like half as big of a deal as this IOC ban.
Imagine being Alina Zagitova, 15-year old figure skater from Russia who worked to represent her country at the Olympics and now she’ll be rocking beige and representing OAR. From young Russian hero to bro-rock band mascot because when you were 10-years old a bunch of Russian assholes took performance enhancers.
Anyway – as an American, I have one thing to say: sucks to suck, Russia. Next time maybe try spending less time hammering ‘roids and vodka but put in some extra time at the gym.
Sources: BBC, Sports Illustrated, NPR