Former Private Airport Employee Shares Stories Of ‘Nightmare Person’ Jennifer Lopez

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The negative press continues to pile up against Jennifer Lopez amid reports that she and Ben Affleck are (yet again) on the rocks.

This time, however, the criticism is not coming from the press, but rather from someone who has worked for Lopez.

An ex-private airport employee called Lopez a ‘nightmare person’ on X before dishing out several stories about negative interactions with the superstar.

Twitter user @moirawebb claims she worked at a private airport on Long Island when Lopez was in a relationship with Marc Anthony.

“I have so many stories about her being a rude and nasty person,” she said. “It’s gross to say, but each time she ‘fails’ at anything, it delights me.”

That is next-level hating. Surely Lopez couldn’t be that bad, right?


Webb told five separate stories about brutal interactions with Lopez.

X User Unloads With Stories About ‘Nightmare Person’ Jennifer Lopez

Webb’s stories ranged anywhere from bizarre to just plain mean. But it sure seems like Lopez doesn’t care about people beyond herself.

A common theme among the stories is Lopez making people do tasks for her only for those people to go unrecognized or even unneeded.

Of course, a woman with as much prestige and class as Jennifer Lopez also requires only the best of items.

Some of the stories were just plain stupid.

Webb’s stories come just days after a video emerged of Lopez rudely interacting with photographers at the Met Gala.

Jenny from the Block has moved up in life, and she apparently has no time for the rest of us peasants.