Why was Keenan Reynolds taken off the ESPN Heisman House Voting? You now have to look for him manually. https://t.co/P0MiTmcgRS
— Navy Athletics (@NavyAthletics) December 1, 2015
The official Twitter account for Navy is asking a damn good question: Why was Keenan Reynolds, who quite clearly sits atop the leaderboard of ESPN’s “Heisman House” voting, taken off the list?
In order to cast your vote for him now, one must enter his name manually. That’s not exactly tragic in the grand scheme of things, but it’s pretty fucking odd considering he is, in fact, LEADING IN VOTES. It’s not like we’re all up in arms because we can’t find Mack Leftwich’s name:
As you might imagine, Twitter is angry, outraged, and disappointed as hell. Again.
I had to write-in Keenan Reynolds’ name to vote for him despite him being the leading vote getter… #Heisman = joke @espn @NissanUSA — Rocky Dobson (@CrownandAGinger) December 1, 2015
Typing a name manually and correctly can be pretty tasking, I know.
@espn @NissanUSA @HeismanTrophy Why was Keenan Reynolds removed from voting?! HE WAS LEADING!!! #BringBackReynolds
— Daniel Frank (@n1a2v3y4) December 1, 2015
HE WAS LEADING!!! I know, man. And he’s still leading. Navy just doesn’t move the needle enough, apparently.
@HeismanHouse I voted 4 Keenan Reynolds despite ESPN’s blatant attempt to bury the runaway https://t.co/LK0UQoWrSu for him every day!!!! — Kelly Higgins (@Oldnumber83) December 1, 2015
Courage under fire. A fiery keyboard.
Despite @Nissan making it harder, I just voted for Keenan Reynolds to be the next Heisman Trophy Winner! https://t.co/GxqTgStUEw #GoNavy #KR
— Noreen (@Noreen3k) December 1, 2015
It is harder, but not that much harder. I do find it pretty cruel though.
Why are @espn and @NissanUSA suppressing Keenan Reynolds’ Heisman bid? Put him back on the ballot #keenanreynolds — Leah Tanner (@RealLT81) December 1, 2015
Judging by the leaderboard, they’re not suppressing Keenan nearly enough. This will actually end up working to his advantage. Stay strong, people.
I am so dissapointed in @Nissan and @espn for removing Keenan Reynolds from the front page of @HeismanTrophy voting!! Bring him back!!
— Courtney (@CourtneyE83) December 1, 2015
Correction: Disappointed.* But I’m with you.
@brandonwenerd Keenan Reynolds dropped from fan Heisman vote when he’s at the top? Not very bro at all. https://t.co/ReVt3R7Cm5 — Jared Payne (@jared_payne) December 1, 2015
Indeed. Not a very BRO move at all.
Official prediction as to ESPN’s reasoning for his name suddenly missing from the list of top names? TECHNICAL GLITCH. Always, always go with technical glitch when it’s so easy to say “technical glitch” and blame the already-disgruntled dev team.
Meanwhile, at Nissan, the brand partner for the fan vote…