Dada Spinners
You can argue all day long about the best basketball shoes ever made, but if we’re judging them by sheer ridiculousness, I’d argue there’s one clear winner: Latrell Sprewell’s DaDa Supreme Spinners. In the early 2000s, someone asked “What if we put spinning rims on a pair of shoes?” and the world was blessed with the glorious answer shortly thereafter.
The shoes, which were released in 2001, featured a chrome-colored wheel on the side of the ankle that spun when the wearer moved. To answer your question: Yes, they were as ridiculous as they sound.
The shoes have been off the market for a while now, and anyone who wants to get their hands on a pair has to be willing to drop $100 or more on eBay— at least until now. Sprewell took to Twitter on Thursday to tease a re-release, and based on the number of retweets and favorites the post received, I’m not the only one who wants to see the Spinners make a comeback:
Sprewell followed up the initial tweet with another one claiming the shoes would be dropping next year:
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As Uproxx noted, this isn’t the first time in recent memory that the shoes have become a topic of conversation. Sprewell appeared on Kevin Garnett’s Area 21 back in February, and the two agreed that the shoes needed to make a comeback. I’m just glad that everyone’s dreams came true.