LeBron James Under Fire For ‘Disrespecting’ The National Anthem By Sitting Down While Song Was Being Played

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NBA superstar LeBron James has found himself at the center of controversy once again.

While attending his son Bronny’s USC game over the weekend, LeBron completely ignored the national anthem and sat down at his courtside seat while the song was being played.

People on the Internet blasted LeBron for “disrespecting” the national anthem.

Here’s what people on the Internet had to say about LeBron sitting during the anthem.

“Zero respect for the country that gave him the opportunity to be a basketball star.”

“Zero respect for the country that allowed him to become a billionaire.”

“Zero respect for the men and women who defend our country so he can live his life.”

Shameful.” said one person.

“He should move to Eastern Europe and try to make his $1 billion there. Or China! He could disrespect America all he wants there. But he won’t because he’s a coward. Shame on him.” commented another person.

The reporter who took the video defended LeBron by saying that the anthem is the best time for the NBA star to come into the arena and take a seat without causing a commotion.

Back in 2020, LeBron and his teammates knelt during the anthem while wearing “Black Lives Matters” shirts. Earlier this year LeBron said that he was no longer a fan of the Dallas Cowboys due to their policy against allowing players to kneel during the anthem.

In this instance it doesn’t appear LeBron was disrespecting the anthem on purpose and just carelessly ignored the anthem while taking his seat on Sunday.

Jorge Alonso BroBible avatar
Brobible sports editor. Jorge is a Miami native and lifelong Heat fan. He has been covering the NBA, MLB and NFL professionally for almost 10 years, specializing in digital media.