LeSean McCoy Snitches On Dikembe Mutombo For Allegedly Cheating On His Wife With Instagram Model

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Former NFL running back LeSean McCoy may have inadvertently outed NBA legend Dikembe Mutombo cheating on his wife during a recent podcast.

Mutombo, who played 18 seasons in the NBA, met his current wife in 1995 and married her shortly after.

Earlier this week, McCoy told a story about an Instagram model he met in Atlanta about 8 years ago. According to McCoy, the woman claimed she was hooking up with Mutombo and revealed that Mutombo would take her on lavish shopping trips to France.

“She told me he not that type of dude, you know he take good care of me…He don’t take me shopping, he takes me to France. I was like who is the dude? Guess what she said his name was? Dikembe Mutombo. I was like you’re taking him over me? But I get it, yeah he’s taking you shopping from PJ to France, I said babe, keep him.”

McCoy got blasted by social media for namedropping Mutombo, who has been happily married for nearly 30 years.


Jorge Alonso BroBible avatar
Brobible sports editor. Jorge is a Miami native and lifelong Heat fan. He has been covering the NBA, MLB and NFL professionally for almost 10 years, specializing in digital media.