Ludvig Aberg Forced To Putt Like Happy Gilmore At The US Open

Ludvig Aberg

Getty Image / Andrew Redington

Ludvig Aberg did not have the weekend he was hoping for after holding the solo lead through two rounds of the 2024 US Open at Pinehurst No. 2 in North Carolina. But, he did make a hilarious memory that people will be using as a meme for a long time.

Like most US Open venues, Pinehurst has some spots that can cause a lot of trouble, with some pretty unique stances.  Aberg had to putt Happy Gilmore style during his final round.

After narrowly avoiding a bunker greenside with his second shot, the ball ended up in a place where he had to stand in a deep bunker to hit it. It was deep enough where he couldn’t putt it with a normal grip, so he decided to use the putter like a hockey stick, like Adam Sandler’s fictional, eponymous character in the movie “Happy Gilmore”.

Ludvig Aberg somehow got it to 17 feet from the cup there, but missed that putt and made a bogey. Still, it was quite the stroke of ingenuity.

After a third round 73, Aberg entered his final round five shots back of Bryson Dechambeau. The world’s former top-ranked amateur player made a triple-bogey 7 on the 2nd hole on Sunday

Speaking of Happy Gilmore, we are going to be getting a sequel of the hit 1996 film about a hockey player that becomes a golfer.  Netflix confirmed that a sequel was in development back in May.



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Garrett Carr is a recent graduate of Penn State University and a BroBible writer who focuses on NFL, College Football, MLB, and he currently resides in Pennsylvania.