Lilian Gilmer finished in second place in a recent marathon in Tennessee. Second place is an incredibly impressive accomplishment. Too bad Gilmer is pissed off about the winner of the marathon, runner Tabatha Hamilton.
Gilmer isn’t being a sore loser, even though it sounds like it, she’s just using simple math to say “NO FUCKING WAY!”
Tabatha Hamilton ran the second half of her marathon in 49 minutes. This piece of information upset second place runner Lilian Gilmer, because she believed that Hamilton completed the race too quickly.
The reason that Lilian thought this was not because she was a sore loser, but because the world record for a half marathon, set by a man, is 58 minutes and 23 seconds. The women’s world record for a half marathon is 65 minutes and 12 seconds. Again, Tabatha Hamilton ran the second half of her marathon in 49 minutes, a time that absolutely shatters the world record for people that were running half the distance that Hamilton was running in total.
Hamilton figured out that the times didn’t add up so she alerted race officials. “I had emailed the race director and said, ‘Look, I’m not trying to improve my standings, but I think this is a little bit strange that somebody would be so far behind and then set a world record,’ Gilmer told her local news.
Race officials agreed and disqualified Hamilton which made Gilmer the winner. It was her first marathon win after twenty years of attempts.
This is proof that if you’re thinking of running a marathon you should train hard and bring a calculator to the race. Bitches be cheating.