Matt Light Tells Story Of Bill Belichick Catching Him Hunting Turkey Outside Of Patriots Stadium

Matt Light retired New England Patriots LT

Games With Names / Julian Edelman

Retired left tackle Matt Light is a New England Patriots legend not just because he won 3 Super Bowls with the team protecting Tom Brady but also because of apparent shenanigans off the field where he used to go hunting behind Gillette Stadium.

During a recent appearance on Julian Edelman’s ‘Games With Names,’ Matt Light told this humdinger of a story about hunting for turkey right behind the stadium with a bow and arrow and shutting down a one-eyed security guard when he tried to stop him. And later, being confronted by Bill Belichick about having a weapon on the property which was against the rules.

Matt contends that a bow and arrow aren’t a weapon, like a gun is, and to that I’d say ‘can you take it through TSA security, Matt?’ because I accidentally tried to fly with a slingshot when I was a little kid in the pre-TSA days while going on a family vacation and you would’ve thought I was flying with an elephant gun the way these security guards reacted.

Anyway, this story has been blowing up on TikTok but hasn’t seen the same views on YouTube so I wanted to make sure all of you saw it because it’s an incredible Patriots story:

Am I crazy or does Matt Light do a perfect Bill Belichick impression without even trying? Close your eyes and listen to the voice, it’s spot on. Side note: getting the Patriots chefs to cook the game you just hunted on the team’s property

This other video from the same podcast appearance has also been blowing up. Naturally, it also includes the player’s interactions with Bill Belichick. In this one, it’s about what it’s like emailing back and forth with the Head Coach:

Incredible that Matt Light still has these emails on his phone and the guy has been retired since 2012.