Michigan Football Could Get Hit With Postseason Ban For Cheating Scandal If NCAA Gets Its Way

Michigan Football Sign Stealing Punishment NCAA
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The NCAA has reportedly finished its investigation into the University of Michigan over the massive sign-stealing scandal that sent shockwaves across college football in 2023. If the governing body of collegiate athletics gets its way, the Wolverines could be hammered with a postseason ban.

A lengthy legal battle is set to unfold in the coming days, weeks and months!

Chris Balas of TheWolverine.com reported on Monday that the NCAA is prepared to issue a Notice of Allegations as soon as this week. Connor Stalions and another unnamed former staffer are expected to be hit with Level 1 violations. The latter stems from a separate incident unrelated to the sign-stealing.

The former is accused of “being involved in and arranging for off-campus, in person scouting,” which is illegal. Stalions, who will tell his side of the story in a Netflix documentary next month, is also expected to be punished for his lack of cooperation in the investigation— both before and after getting fired.

Balas reports that the NCAA is not going to try and vacate any wins from the past. Jim Harbaugh’s undefeated, national championship season will remain in tact. All of the recent successes will stand.

However, the NCAA might try to ban Michigan from the postseason for up to two seasons in the future. That ruling would presumably be in addition to other punishments, like a fine or recruiting sanctions.

A financial hit is something that the Wolverines wouldn’t mind. Anything that would directly impact on-field success will not fly. They are fully prepared to fight the NCAA in court.

Regardless of what happens, this is likely going to take a very long time to figure out. We’re talking years.

Michigan may not even go before the NCAA Committee on Infractions until the middle of next year. If the NCAA still exists by then, that is. We will have to see what happens in the next few days first.