Contrary to what you might think of that gif above, I’m guessing former U.S. President George W. Bush was not ripped as fuck while dancing in public—although, honestly, he may have been? One time that Dubbya was, allegedly, stoned was in 1972 with former big league pitcher Bill “Spaceman” Lee, though, who told the story to Dan Le Batard this morning.
Bill "Spaceman" Lee recalls smoking with George W. Bush under the T. rex at the @museumofscience. -Charlie
— Dan Le Batard Show with Stugotz (@LeBatardShow) August 9, 2016
This is pure gold, guys. Not only did Lee—a longtime marijuana advocate and surprise nominee for Governor of Vermont—talk about trying the sticky icky with Bush, but the fact that it happened under the T. Rex at the Boston Museum of Science is an absolute savage move.
While Bush has joked about smoking pot in his past, he’s never openly said that he’s smoked the good shit with “Spaceman” before, but maybe this will be the time he does, because I so badly want there to be more to this story.