Hall Of Famer Wants To Know Why Caitlin Clark’s Teammates Aren’t Coming To Her Defense

Chennedy Carter whistled for flagrant foul for knocking Caitlin Clark to the ground

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In case you somehow missed it, earlier this week Chicago Sky guard Chennedy Carter knocked Caitlin Clark to the ground with a nasty cheap shot during their game against the Indiana Fever.

Carter says she has no regrets about doing it. Carter’s coach waffled on the issue. And Chicago Sky fans (what few there were) gave Carter a standing ovation at the team’s next home game.

The one question that many fans and people in the media keep asking is, “Why aren’t her teammates stepping up to stop the bullying?”

NBA veteran Matt Barnes called out the Indiana Fever roster, saying, “I’ve seen a couple girls smirk when she’s got knocked down. Half a– to pick her up. Like, y’all supposed to protect the asset. Protect the star. And although this is a team, she’s the star. You always protect your star.”

Another person with perhaps even more insight into the machinations of the WNBA and is a member of both the Naismith Memorial Basketball Hall of Fame and the Women’s Basketball Hall of Fame, Nancy Lieberman (look her up), also wants to know what’s going on with the Fever players.

When asked about the foul on the Run It Back show on Wednesday, Nancy Lieberman minced no words.

“Well, if I were Caitlin Clark, I would’ve punched her in the face, but I’m from New York and I would have told her to f— off,” Lieberman replied, “and that would actually cure the problem.

“Because I’ve known Chennedy since she was in high school here in Dallas. She’s a tough kid. She’s a good basketball player. She’s going to come after you because she’s very physical, which is okay, but damn, where’s Caitlin Clark’s teammates?!

“I’d be p—— as s— at my teammates that nobody came to my defense,” Lieberman continued. “You know? Gretzky had a had an enforcer. Michael Jordan had Oakley.

“I mean that’s, honestly, it’s just bull s—. This has to be better. Indiana has to be better. Somebody has to come to this kid’s, I don’t want to say rescue, but you guys know this better than anybody, Michelle as well.

“In 1984, when Michael Jordan came into the league he changed the economics of the league financially with the GLA with all the TV contracts. He was on TV every game. Arenas were filled.

“When Tiger Woods was tearing up the PGA, when he first started, he changed the the the PGA world for every golfer financially. And, you know, people need to thank Caitlin Clark for being that generational athlete that is making them wealthy.”

Nancy Lieberman then went on to point out that despite trying to promote the WNBA with Hall of Fame players like Lisa Leslie, Diana Taurasi, Sue Bird, etc. they were never able to capture the public’s attention anywhere close to the way Caitlin Clark has.

Watch and listen to her entire segment in the video below where she delves even deeper into the whole situation.

Douglas Charles headshot avatar BroBible
Before settling down at BroBible, Douglas Charles, a graduate of the University of Iowa (Go Hawks), owned and operated a wide assortment of websites. He is also one of the few White Sox fans out there and thinks Michael Jordan is, hands down, the GOAT.