The NBA is serious about enforcing their stricter Covid-19 protocols after a rash of teams were forced to postpone games this week.
Earlier this week ESPN reported that NBA had ordered in stadium security to stand at midcourt after the game to prevent players from giving each other handshakes and hugs.
After witnessing some opposing players disregarding new league rules against unnecessary contact on game nights, the NBA is moving team security into the midcourt area to dissuade violations that include hugging and handshakes, according to a league memo obtained by ESPN on Wednesday.
As coronavirus infections increased amid a darkening pandemic, the NBA recently tightened regulations on players and staffs, including several meant to lessen the possibility of on-court transmissions.
On Saturday night, Kyrie Irving and Bam Adebayo wanted to give each other hugs after the Heat-Nets game but an NBA security quickly put a stop to it.
Heat security had to break up Kyrie and Bam Adebayo from hugging after the game.
— NBA on ESPN (@ESPNNBA) January 24, 2021
Fans are not fond of the new rules and blasted the NBA.
Hey you guys can get all sweaty and play against eachother, and be all up on eachother during the game, but after you can’t high five or hug and say good game. Makes sense😂😂
— Codey Blanton (@BlantonCodey) January 24, 2021
this is the dumbest thing. seriously. They’ve been sweating and bumping and breathing on each other for 48 minutes!
— Steve Smith (@stevesmithffx) January 24, 2021
Bro, they just played an entire game together. If they transmitted the virus it was happening before this. Y’all is fucking ridiculous🕵🏼♂️
— Ken Kennedy (@DetectiveWavy) January 24, 2021
Nope, no hugging. We all know that COVID starts spreading again once the final buzzer goes off.
— Thomas Cavanagh (@YouFoundTJ) January 24, 2021