The Game of Thrones is a fucking cutthroat sport. It’ll beat you up, chew you to pieces, spit you out, and that’s if you’re lucky. Usually, it’ll just kill you.
I can honestly only think of one other things as ruthless and as brutal as trying to rule Westeros: The fucking NFL.
A hit from a linebacker is probably no less painful than a sword blow from the Hound. Perhaps even worse.
That’s why our friends at UPROXX reimagined every NFL team as a character from A Song of Ice And Fire.
You can see all 32 here, but a few of our favorites are below.
Denver Broncos: Khal Drogo
San Diego Chargers: Bronn The Sellsword
Jacksonville Jaguars: Jorah Mormont
Houston Texas: Davos Seaworth
Cincinnati Bengals: Robb Stark
Buffalo Bills: Robb Stark
Pittsburgh Steelers: Stannis Baratheon
See the rest of the teams here.