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Fox Sports host Nick Wright is someone who can be considered an acquired taste.
Wright is not as boisterous as co-worker Skip Bayless, but also isn’t afraid to fire off the occasional hot take.
He recently sat down for an interview with Complex Sports and discussed some of those hot takes, showing off an absolutely freakish memory in the process.
Could you remember your hottest takes from six years ago? 😂 @getnickwright plays "I Said What I Said" with @Complex pic.twitter.com/JnR1BfmG5k
— Complex Sports (@ComplexSports) June 6, 2024
The segment is one that Complex calls “I Said What I Said.”
It involved the interviewer reading out takes to the guest, then the interview subject must determine whether or not that was something they said on TV (or the radio, or Twitter etc.).
Except Wright decided to take the game to the next level.
Not only was he able to correctly identify the things he did or did not say, but he was able to recall all of the context and what exactly he said as well as when he said it.
“I don’t want to come off looking bad and I don’t wanna sound arrogant. But I might be better at this specific game than any human being alive,” Wright said before the game.
He then proceeded to prove his point.
Wright reeled off memories about takes on anything from Patrick Mahomes, to Dwight Howard to eating cocounuts on “Pump the Brakes on Josh Allen Island.”
Yes, he did misremember a couple of takes, but both of his misses were down to technicalities.
Wright then took to Twitter and said “This is my LeBron Game 6 in Boston performance. Just historic recall here.”
He’s not wrong, either! It was just a ridiculous performance for someone who has a lot of takes almost every day of the week.
And perhaps the most impressive part is that many of the takes aged well.
Kudos, Nick Wright. You are at the top of your game when it comes to elite memory.