Ole Miss Frat Boy Fight During Kentucky Game Is Going Viral


There’s nothing quite like the student section at an SEC football game. It’s a conference filled with tailgating tradition and football superiority. A conference where you’re shunned by some for wearing jeans instead of khakis to a football game. Where the archetypical Saturday uniform for men is sunglasses straps, polos, and boat shoes.

Overall, it’s a wonderful college experience.

But sometimes, in the moment, people can get a little too carried away with it all…

Old Miss (#14) managed to fend off Kentucky (#7) at home today, 22-19. It’s the first time both teams were ranked in a match-up in over sixty years, making it one of the most meaningful games between the two teams in a long time. Kentucky running back Chris Rodriguez made his triumphant after a 4-game suspension, chalking up a touchdown. But it wasn’t enough against Lane Kiffin, who beat his first top-10 opponent since 2011, back when he was coaching for USC.

Ole Miss Frat Boy Fight

Despite the victory, tensions were high between Ole Miss faithful. In the Rebels’ student section, a fight broke out between a group of young men dressed in blazers and khakis and some other standbys in polos and shorts. We’re talking a full-out frat fight, complete with punches and sport coats flying. It’s a tense moment between fans of the same team, which was eventually broken up by a police officer.

The video is going viral on major social media accounts, distracting from the Rebels’ impressive victory.

The video already has over 2 million views on Twitter.

Old Row has footage of the spectacle. Some are alleging on Twitter that it’s a fight between pledges at rival fraternities, but the full story is bound to come out.

Violence is never the answer and there’s no denying it’s a bad look for the school. Have to imagine the University will investigate and take disciplinary action in the coming weeks.

What a bummer of a way to spoil an otherwise great game day in Oxford, Mississippi.

Brandon Wenerd is BroBible's publisher, helping start this site in 2009. He lives in Los Angeles and likes writing about music and culture. His podcast is called the Mostly Occasionally Show, featuring interviews with artists and athletes, along with a behind-the-scenes view of BroBible. Read more of his work at brandonwenerd.com. Email: brandon@brobible.com