The Food Situation At The Paris Olympics Has Already Turned Into A Disaster Before the Opening Cermnies


Getty Image / Mauro Pimentel

For many Olympians in Paris these next few weeks, this will be the precipice of their career and a goal they’ve worked decades for. They likely dreamt of this moment with everything being perfect during their Olympic experience.

Yeah, that’s not been the case so far in Paris. If it’s not the cardboard beds causing issues for athlete’s sleep patterns, it’s something else. And, right now, the complaints are centered around the food.

The food situation, according to Yahoo!, has turned into a complete disaster, with the kitchen already running out of staple items.

“Grilled chicken and eggs, in particular, are among the items in short supply. As a result, some athletes have resorted to bringing packed meals back to the Village for lunch and dinner, according to the Times of London,”  Yahoo! said.

That’s right, folks. They’re out of Grilled chicken and eggs, two of the staple foods for high-caliber athletes all around the world. It’s truly stunning to run out of two items that you absolutely have to have at all times.

The Paris organizers wanted to provide more plant-based options this year to be more climate-friendly, and that’s a great goal. But, providing more plant-based options shouldn’t mean providing less of basic staples in the form of animal proteins. These are athletes who have pretty strict diets and regimens. For that to be disrupted at the Olympic Games is entirely unfair.

Rich governing bodies like Great Britain and presumably the USA are sending chefs to prepare large catering orders to make up for the lack of food, but what about the vast majority of athletes there? This should never happen at the Olympics.

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Garrett Carr is a recent graduate of Penn State University and a BroBible writer who focuses on NFL, College Football, MLB, and he currently resides in Pennsylvania.