MLB Umpire Pat Hoberg Denies Betting On Baseball After Gambling Suspension

Pat Hoberg

Getty Image / Kevin C. Cox

MLB umpires are not popular with most baseball fans, to say the least. The actions of now-suspended umpire Pat Hoberg is doing nothing to change that fact.

Major League Baseball suspended Hoberg on Friday for a violation of the gambling policy.

Here is what Major League Baseball said, according to ESPN. 

“During this year’s Spring Training, Major League Baseball commenced an investigation regarding a potential violation of MLB’s sports betting policies by Umpire Pat Hoberg. Mr. Hoberg was removed from the field during the pendency of that investigation. While MLB’s investigation did not find any evidence that games worked by Mr. Hoberg were compromised or manipulated in any way, MLB determined that discipline was warranted. Mr. Hoberg has chosen to appeal that determination. Therefore, we cannot comment further until the appeal process is concluded.”

Pat Hoberg is one of the best umpires in all of Major League Baseball, and he called a fantastic game in last year’s World Series that drew widespread acclaim from umpire critics.

But, that’s all thrown out the window now. Obviously, the league cannot have any inkling of gambling of any kind by umpires, lest they want a Tim Donaghy situation. The penalty in baseball for betting on baseball in games with direct involvement has always been a lifetime ban. Most notably, Pete Rose has suffered that fate. But, recently, Pirates infielder Tucupita Marcano was banned for life after he got caught betting on baseball.

For the record, Pat Hoberg is denying betting on baseball and had this to say in a statement.

“I am appealing Major League Baseball’s determination that I should be disciplined for violating the sports betting policies. While that appeal is pending, it would not be appropriate to discuss the case. That said, I have devoted my adult life to the profession of umpiring, and the integrity of baseball is of the utmost importance to me. I look forward to the appeal process, and I am grateful that the Major League Baseball Umpires Association is supporting me in the appeal.”

We don’t have the details. But, for Major League Baseball to take action, it seems like they think they have pretty concrete evidence that Hoberg has been involved in gambling behavior that he wasn’t supposed to be involved with.

Frankly, with confidence in the league’s umpires seemingly at an all-time-low from fans, this is not the news MLB needed.

I’m sure more details will emerge in the coming days that shed light on exactly what went on here.


Garrett Carr BroBible avatar
Garrett Carr is a recent graduate of Penn State University and a BroBible writer who focuses on NFL, College Football, MLB, and he currently resides in Pennsylvania.