Paul DeJong Loses Game For White Sox On Childish Baserunning Blunder In Midst Of All-Time Bad Season

Paul DeJong

Getty Image / Duane Burleson

The Chicago White Sox have been a downright awful baseball team this year. In fact, they’re a historically bad team, and could be end up as the worst team in Major League Baseball since World War II. Somehow, they found a new way to reach a  new low point on Friday.

It was as childish a mistake as you will see in a baseball game, as Paul DeJong forgot how many outs there were, ending the game in the ninth inning with a hilarious base running blunder.

With the White Sox trailing 2-1 with one out in the top of the ninth, Paul DeJong was hit by a pitch. Next up was Andrew Benintendi, who hit a line drive right at Tigers centerfielder Matt Vierling. The ball was hit hard, but it was a routine play.

So, Paul DeJong should be halfway between 1st and 2nd base, and retreating to 1st when the ball is caught, right? That’s what he would’ve done, had he known there was one out instead of two. But, he was rounding second base when the ball was caught, as he completely forgot how many outs there were! Take a look.

That is a simply inexcusable mistake by Paul DeJong, as it is for any ballplayer over the age of eight. But, it’s right on script for the 2024 Chicago White Sox.

The White Sox are on pace for a record of 42-120, which would be the worst record since World War II. They are simply dreadful, and this is just another example.

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Garrett Carr is a recent graduate of Penn State University and a BroBible writer who focuses on NFL, College Football, MLB, and he currently resides in Pennsylvania.