Peyton Manning Goes Incognito, Gets Photobombed; Jameis Winston ‘Eats W’s’ At Mardi Gras

mardi gras bourbon street peyton manning jameis winston

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In case you weren’t aware, Mardi Gras, the biggest party of the year, kicked things off on Tuesday down in New Orleans.

Numerous famous athletes have been down on Bourbon Street in the heart of the French Quarter celebrating the annual festival.

One of those athletes who makes an annual appearance at Mardi Gras, due to him being from New Orleans and still having family there, is none other than Hall of Fame quarterback Peyton Manning.

Manning always shows up, sometimes in costume and sometimes just in his civvies, to enjoy the festivities and parades.

Here he is in 2020 watching the New Orleans Saints’ float go by, making a nice grab of some free cups that were tossed his way.

Incredible how in New Orleans Peyton Manning can just stand there in the crowd like he’s just a regular guy and people aren’t fawning all over him.

Then again, this year Peyton was back in the French Quarter, wearing a mask this time, getting a video taken, when another reveler decided to photobomb the legendary quarterback.

Imagine how dumb that guy felt when he found out who he flashed past making that face. (Because you know someone, somewhere is going to know the guy and send the clip to him.)

Another famous quarterback with ties to New Orleans, Jameis Winston, is also down in the Big Easy this week, living his best life, and as he puts it in the video below, “Eating W’s at Mardi Gras.”

It looks like Peyton Manning and Jameis Winston are having a little more fun at Mardi Gras than UFC star and Louisiana native Dustin Poirer.

The other day while riding in the back of a truck down what appears to be a parade route, some rando decided to show him a sign he made that said, “Hey Dustin, your wife’s in my DM’s.”

It didn’t end well for that guy as he got the taste slapped out of his mouth for his effort.