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A Philadelphia radio host is down particularly bad this week, as the Denver Nuggets winning their first-ever NBA title has caused him to launch some otherworldly hot takes about Nikola Jokic and therefore Joel Embiid by proxy.
This radio host — who I will not be naming in an effort to give him the least amount of clout for their stupidity as possible — said that the Nuggets 2023 title is “meaningless” and that it doesn’t necessarily make Jokic a better player than Philadelphia 76ers star Joel Embiid.
“I hope Denver wins tonight so we can get these boring Finals over with, give them their meaningless ring and get back to the NBA being interesting again,” the radio host tweeted on Monday night.
“Jokic got handed easiest path to a title we might ever see again in the NBA…I don’t think this means, ‘The Nuggets are way better, they’re winners and the Sixers are losers and Jokic is way better than Embiid.’ I think that’s an overreaction,” he then said on air.
In case this guy is unaware, Jokic not only led his team to this season’s NBA title but he did so in historic fashion as the big man became the first player in the history of the sport to lead the NBA playoffs in points, rebounds, and assists.
Furthermore, in the five games against the Miami Heat in the NBA finals — the biggest stage of his career — Jokic averaged 26 points, 14 rebounds, and 7 rebounds per game en route to winning Finals MVP.