Ummmm, did Muhammad Ali’s funeral just turn into a spoiler alert for the upcoming general election in November?
Because during his invocation, Rabbi Michael Lerner speaking on behalf of Jewish faith seemed pretty emphatic about who will be sleeping in the White House come next term…
(Hint: they have a husband).
.@rabbilerner @tikkunonline #MuhammadAlifuneral: "Tell the next President of the United States that SHE…" [Applause]
— CSPAN (@cspan) June 10, 2016
Tell the next president of the United States that SHE should seek a constitutional amendment to make all national and state elections funded by Congress and the state legislatures or all other sources of money be banned, including money from corporations, from individuals — all other money, make it all public funding!
See what the Rabbi did there with the wordplay!? Bill Clinton was a fan, that’s for sure.
Whether his prophecy comes true or not, we’ll just have to wait and see. And for what it’s worth, that was Billy Crystal seated to Clinton’s right.
I think we can all agree peace in the Middle East would be pretty chill, and as the Rabbi indicated, more needs to be done in Israel and the Gaza Strip to achieve that. Also, can’t forget the REAL reason everyone is here today, and that’s the Champ.
RIP Muhammad Ali, you were the fucking Greatest.
If you’re still reading, I’d be remiss not to mention this excerpt of Lerner’s speech is also super powerful, given the racial tensions this election cycle has seem to draw out.
Standing ovation at Muhammad Ali’s funeral: "We will not tolerate politicians or anyone else putting down Muslims."
— BuzzFeed News (@BuzzFeedNews) June 10, 2016
[H/T Twitchy]