Ref Awkwardly Refuses To Shake Christian Pulisic’s Hand After USA-Uruguay Copa America Game

fox sports

Controversial Peruvian referee Kevin Ortega had himself an eventful game on Monday night.

During halftime of the USA-Uruguay game, FOX’s Alexi Lalas absolutely laid into Ortega and called his performance “absolutely disgraceful.”

“Let’s use his full name, it’s Kevin Paulo Ortega Pimentel, you know when your parents get angry they use your full name because this guy is completely out of depth in this game and what he is doing” said Lalas.

On Monday night, the USA-Uruguay game was decided by a controversial missed goal during a Uruguay goal.

After the game, USA’s Christian Pulisic could be seen approaching the refs to shake their hands, and Ortega awkwardly refused his gesture.

UPDATE: A new angle shows Pulisic berating the refs before going up to them to shake their hands.

Jorge Alonso BroBible avatar
Brobible sports editor. Jorge is a Miami native and lifelong Heat fan. He has been covering the NBA, MLB and NFL professionally for almost 10 years, specializing in digital media.