Refs Refused To Call Offensive Offsides On Dolphins WRs When They Lined Up In Same Spot As Kadarius Toney


NFL fans are not happy with the inconsistency of how refs call offensive offsides.

On Sunday, Chiefs wide receiver Kadarius Toney was called for offensive offsides for a lining up over the neutral zone during a crucial play in the game.

Toney was only called once for offensive offsides despite lining up in the same spot throughout the game.

On Monday night, Dolphins wide receiver Jaylen Waddle lined up in the same spot as Toney and didn’t get called for offensive offsides.

Here’s a video of Waddle lining up in the same spot as Toney and not getting called for a penalty.

NFL refs have to decide whether or not they’re going to call this penalty consistently before we have another controversy.