Perhaps the best story of the week is that of “The Nature Boy” Ric Flair claiming that he had sex with actress Halle Berry back in his glory days.
Flair said that right around the time Berry had just gotten divorced from Braves outfielder David Justice he took her for a ride on “Space Mountain.” That’s Flair-speak for had sex with her.
Interviewer: Any celebrity riders of Space Mountain?
Flair: Several dozen. Do you want me to start with Halle Berry.
Interviewer: Oh, Halle Berry rode Space Mountain?
Flair: Ha Ha, of course she did. She was in Atlanta and she [had] just got divorced from Dave Justice.
Interviewer: Wait are you telling a real story right now?
Flair: Would I have to make up a lie?
When Berry got wind of this her reps, naturally, flat-out denied it, saying that Halle Berry had never even heard of Flair.
So, naturally, trying to get to the bottom of all of this, TMZ caught up with Flair and asked him what he thought of Berry’s denial.
As usual, he played it pretty cool, refusing to elaborate and get into a war of words, “The Nature Boy” just said that she was a “great actress and a very nice woman.”
Take that how you will. I know how I am taking it. Wooooo!!!
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