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During last week’s owners meeting, Texans owner Bob McNair reportedly offended NFL exec and former player Troy Vincent when he referred to NFL players as “inmates running the prison’.
Via SI.com
“We can’t have the inmates running the prison,” McNair reportedly said, referring to NFL players.
The meeting took place last week in New York, one day after a small group of owners met with a handful of players about ongoing protests during the national anthem.
NFL executive Troy Vincent, a former player, later stood up and said he was offended by McNair’s comment, according to ESPN.
After the owners finished, Troy Vincent stood up. He was offended by McNair’s characterization of the players as “inmates.” Vincent said that in all his years of playing in the NFL — during which, he said, he had been called every name in the book, including the N-word — he never felt like an “inmate.”
After McNair apologized for his language Seahawks’ cornerback Richard Sherman took to Twitter to call out the Titans owner for “showing his true color”.
I can appreciate ppl being candid. Don’t apologize! You meant what you said. Showing true colors allows ppl to see you for who you are.
— Richard Sherman (@RSherman_25) October 27, 2017
I wish more ppl would do that. So the world could ostracize those who don’t want to see EQUALITY. Otherwise they will continue to hide
— Richard Sherman (@RSherman_25) October 27, 2017