Via Deadspin:
After Rob Parker appeared on a Detroit-based community-affairs show on Sunday and revealed that First Take producers knew exactly what he was going to say when he made his “cornball brother” comments, some speculation ran around Bristol on Monday that his suspension would be permanent.
And today ESPN confirms that. The statement from ESPN PR:
Rob Parker's contract expired at year end. Evaluating our needs and his work, including his recent RGIII comments, we decided not to renew.
If you need a quick refresher, Parker is the guy who slandered Robert Griffin III last month by saying some reallllly stupid stuff. To wit:
I've talked to some people in Washington, D.C. Some people in [Griffin's] press conferences. Some people I've known for a long time. My question, which is just a straight, honest question, is … is he a 'brother,' or is he a cornball 'brother?' He's not really … he's black, but he's not really down with the cause. He's not one of us. He's kind of black, but he's not really like the guy you'd want to hang out with. I just want to find out about him. I don't know, because I keep hearing these things. He has a white fiancé, people talking about that he's a Republican … there's no information at all. I'm just trying to dig deeper into why he has an issue. Tiger Woods was like, 'I have black skin, but don't call me black.' People wondered about Tiger Woods early on — about him.”
No word yet on what Parker's next move is. It probably will not be near a microphone.
[H/T: Deadspin]