Sean Payton Youth Football Coaching Story Proves He’s Beyond Hardcore

Sean Payton

Getty Image / Perry Knotts

Think of how competitive football coaches who reach the pinnacle of being a head coach in the NFL have to be. These 32 men have to be borderline psychotic about football and winning. Without that, there’s no way that someone can get an edge out of the tens of thousands of football coaches in the country and get one of the 32 most sought-after jobs in the industry.

Denver Broncos coach Sean Payton is no different. The Super Bowl champion is an insane competitor.

Just how insane? A story about his time he spent while suspended from the New Orleans Saints due to a scandal where Saints players were allegedly compensated for injuring opposing players shows just how strong his will to win is.

This story has been out there for a while. But, it made the round on Twitter on Monday thanks to NFL expert Warren Sharp.

If you don’t know what the single wing is, it’s one of the coolest offenses in all of football. You can still see it run as high as the high school level, and a lot of spread offense concepts in the running game borrow from it.

But, I’m sure that Sean Payton had never seen the offense as a coach. But, he was determined to stop it the second time around.

Ultimately, that didn’t happen. But, to go to the lengths he did to win a sixth-grade football game shows how seriously guys like Sean Payton take winning and losing.

That dedication didn’t help him that much this past season, though. In his first year with the Denver Broncos, Sean Payton’s team only went 8-9. Maybe they should try the single wing offense.

A movie very loosely based on his time spent coaching his son’s team back in 2012, Home Team, was released on Netflix in 2022.

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Garrett Carr is an editor at BroBible with an expertise in NFL and other major professional sports. He is a graduate of Penn State University and resides in Pennsylvania. Garrett is a diehard Penn State, New York Mets, and New York Knicks fan.