Here’s How Steph And Seth Curry’s Parents Are Deciding Who To Root For When Their Sons Play Each Other In The Conference Finals

steph seth curry parents coin flip

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Sunday was Mother’s Day (and if you didn’t know that already I’m sorry to be the one to break the news) and featured a couple of great games on the NBA playoff slate, including a matchup between the Trailblazers and the Nuggets to decide who would face off against the Warriors in the Western Conference Finals.

When everything was said and done, Portland snuck by Denver with a 100-96 victory, giving every player on the winning team the chance to tell their mom the win was their present to them (and forcing those on the losing one who were hoping to give the same gift to make a quick stop at the fan shop for a souvenir mug).

With the Nuggets out of the way, the Blazers will now get a chance to become the newest team to fall victim to the Warriors in the Western Conference Finals in a series that, at least based on recent history, will either be a breeze for the Warriors or a nailbiter for everyone involved.

However, there are at least a couple of people who are probably going to be doing some damage to their cuticles regardless of how things play out: Dell and Sonya Curry.

This is the fifth year their son Steph has helped lead his team to the position they’re in but the first time he’ll be facing off against his younger brother Seth, who is making his conference finals debut—which just so happens to be a bit of NBA history.

Faced with this unique situation, their parents are facing an incredibly low-pressure version of Sophie’s Choice: do they hitch their cart to their superstar son or the underdog who averaged around eight points-per-game this season?

It appears they’re letting the fates decide.

I personally would’ve stitched the halves of two jerseys together and pioneered the “Goldenland” movement—or just would’ve picked the son I love more—but I guess their way works as well.

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Connor Toole is the Deputy Editor at BroBible and a Boston College graduate currently based in New England. He has spent close to 15 years working for multiple online outlets covering sports, pop culture, weird news, men's lifestyle, and food and drink.