Famed ‘Stay Off The Weed’ Yeller Stephen A. Smith Says He’s Ready To Try Weed



Stephen A. Smith is ready to try weed. Weed that comes in the form of gummies, that is.

While it’s unclear has ever smoked weed before — he grew up in New York City, so, certainly possible — he’s apparently never tried a weed gummy, as he said on First Take on Thursday, August 22, that he’s ready to follow in the footsteps of his toking co-host Mike ‘Mad Dog’ Russo and try a gummy.

“I might try some gummies, though,” SAS told moderator Molly Qerim and co-hosts Dan Orlovsky and Kimberly Martin. “I’ve decided, Molly, that I’m gonna try some gummies.”

The conversation about gummies arose after Smith was reminded of his debate with Mad Dog about Derek Jeter’s ranking among all-time great New York Yankees players.

Given Stephen A. Smith’s penchant for turning himself into a meme while sober, one could only imagine what he’d be like if he were stoned. Could you imagine him courtside at a Lakers game physically but on Mars mentally? That’d be must-watch television.

Smith has, of course, turned “Stay off the weed!” into one of his many catchphrases, as he’d yell it at players — such as Josh Gordon, for example — who would get suspended for using the substance.

In recent years, however, as weed has become more legalized across the nation, the stances of professional sports leagues on marijuana as lightened up, resulting in far fewer suspensions than five, six, seven years ago.

Luckily for sports fans who watch First Take, local baseball debates such as Jeter’s place on the Yankees’ Mount Rushmore will cease in just a few weeks when college football and the National Football League return.

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Eric Italiano is a NYC-based writer who spearheads BroBible's Pop Culture and Entertainment content. He covers topics such as Movies, TV, and Video Games, while interviewing actors, directors, and writers.