A few days ago we posted a video of two bros doing the stone cold stunner at their graduation ceremony. Originally we thought they were UM students but it turns out they were high school students from Southwest High and school administrators weren’t happy their stunt.
iT all began with one of the students, Nicholas Dean, strutting across the stage holding a WWE title belt high above his head.
“It was in talks for maybe two, three months,” Dean said. “We just kind of talked about it and graduation time came. I had the belt and it happened.”
But the glory of the moment was quickly squashed after administrators whisked them off stage.
“They told us we should be embarrassed and ashamed,” said Dean.
“The administration was ‘very disappointed’ that we had done that,” Castro said.
“It doesn’t look good on them, and I’m sorry about that, but there’s nothing I can do about it now,” Dean said.
Besides the title belt, the students left graduation empty-handed as the school declined to award them their diplomas.
The school district said Dean and Castro’s diplomas are being withheld until a meeting with their parents next wee
These school administrators need to lighten up and get the stick out of their asses. Withholding diplomas for a silly stunt during a day that should be fun and jovial is complete idiocy.
Thankfully these bros seem to have a good head on their shoulders and won’t let those buzzkills at their school deter them from doing awesome things in the future.
But despite the consequences, it seems the notoriety is making up for it.
Diplomas or not, these students deserve high honors for a graduation classic.
“Oh, it was worth it,” Dean said.
“Totally worth it,” said Castr
Rock on bros.
H/T Barstool Sports , WPLG 10