One year ago today, January 4, 2015, ESPN’s Stuart Scott lost his battle to cancer. Although perhaps I should amend that statement because as Scott so eloquently said during his acceptance speech after winning the Jimmy V Perseverance Award at the ESPYS, “When you die, it does not mean that you lose to cancer. You beat cancer by how you live, why you live and in the matter of which you live.”
Scott most definitely “beat” cancer when you view it through his words and they have proven to be an inspiration to this day for many who are continuing to fight the good fight against one of the scourges of the world, cancer.
So on the anniversary of his passing, his daughters Taelor, 20, and Sydni, 16, who he brought on stage with him during the ESPYs, collaborated with Dear World to create a a video love letter about their father.
From Dear World’s Web site…
The Scotts became friends Dear World’s founder Robert X. Fogarty after he photographed Stuart Scott for Dear World in its signature message on skin portrait style. The portrait eventually became the cover image for Every Day I Fight, Scott’s memoir. In the distinctive Dear World portrait style where each person shares a message on their skin, now Taelor and Sydni have created a tribute to their father in Dear World’s style.
Dear World has grabbed headlines for photographing Syrian refugees in Jordan’s Zaatari refugee camp, Boston Marathon Bombing survivors and survivors of Hurricane Sandy in New York and of Hurricane Katrina in New Orleans. Their portrait subjects include Nobel Peace Prize Winner Muhammad Yunus, Super Bowl Most Valuable Player Drew Brees and Academy Award Winner Susan Sarandon.
Each person writes a message to someone they love or about something they care about.
“Stuart Scott was a childhood hero of mine. And can never get the final passages of his famous ESPYs speech out of my head when thinking about Taelor and Sydni going into this new year,” Fogarty said. Stuart said, ‘When you get too tired to fight, then lay down and rest and let someone fight for you.’ I see the love and support of so many to Taelor and Sydni and I admire the fight they have inside of them. It’s hard to lose someone you love and they honor Stuart’s legacy every day.”
One year later, and as expected, Scott’s message is still being felt loud and clear. Watch and be inspired once again.