Surfer And A Dolphin Both Drop Into The Same Wave And Share A Ride In Crystal Clear Water

pod of dolphins surfing inside of a wave

iStockphoto / RugliG

Surfer Wade Goodall rode the wave of a lifetime recently when he paddled in and looked down to realize he was surfing alongside a dolphin that was inside the crystal clear wave and the two were just riding along sharing a tasty wave together.

Is this every surfer’s dream? Well, it is and it isn’t. I don’t think you’d find a surfer alive who wouldn’t want to experience this. But having interviewed a ton of surfers over the years and asked them about their goals and where they want to surf next, ‘surfing with a dolphin’ isn’t something you’re likely to ever hear a surfer claim they are chasing the experience of because you simply cannot force this encounter to happen.

This is nature just serving up the experience of a lifetime on a silver platter. It’s as plain and simple as that. Two water lovers enjoying the motion of the ocean…The wave with the dolphin comes around the 3:04 mark in this video if you want to skip ahead or you can watch the Instagram clip below that’s gone viral:

Here is that Instagram clip for those who prefer IG over YouTube:

Everyday in the water is a good day. You hear it in fishing, surfing, diving, paddling, etc. Any day in the water is better than a day at work. And in the water, there are good days and great days. Based on the clips from Wade Goodall’s surfing sesh this was an all-time great day. The stoke coming out of the water must’ve beee unreal, especially after that dolphin encounter.