Getty Image / Justin Berl
Oftentimes, targeting penalties in college football are hotly debated and considered questionable by many. But, in Thursday night’s game between Pitt and Boston College, I think there was a hit that even the most steadfast anti-targeting football fans would agree was targeting.
Take a look at the absolutely monstrous hit. And, not monster in the good way, because no matter how you feel about safety rules in football, this is pretty egregious.
We might be seeing this hit from Khari Johnson's years to come, defining textbook targeting. pic.twitter.com/OayFb83ZWl
— The Comeback (@thecomeback) November 17, 2023
Here’s another look, that is probably even worse.
This is the most targeting targeting that has ever been targeted. pic.twitter.com/625igwfXN2
— Mark Ennis (@MarkEnnis) November 17, 2023
That is Boston College’s Khari Johnson with the hit. Clearly, that targeting penalty was upheld on review, and Johnson was ejected for the remainder of the game.
We need to talk about the throw by Pitt quarterback Nate Yarnell. That is a hospital ball if I’ve ever seen one. Yeah, it’s targeting, they got a fifteen-yard penalty and an automatic first down. But, you cannot leave your receivers out to dry like that. Floating balls up the seam over the middle is a recipe for getting some of your wideouts hit pretty hard, not to mention a high interception risk as well.
People on Twitter were sounding off about the egregious targeting.
“This might be the most targety Targeting penalty in the history of targeting penalties,” @Vernfunquist said.
“Look up targeting, this should now be the example,” TreyWallace_ said.
“This is the most targeting targeting that has ever been targeted,” MarkEnnis said.
Who knows, maybe there will be disciplinary action coming for Johnson as well.