UFC Fighter Refused To Touch Gloves & Cursed At Opponent, Gets Choked Out Moments Later

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UFC’s Ricky Turcios was not interested in keeping things classy with 19-year-old Raul Rosas Jr.

In the first round of their fight, Rosas tried to touch gloves with Turcios, but he refused and instead cursed at his opponent.

Unfortunately for Turcios, he ended up getting choked out by Rosas in the second round of their fight.

Rosas wasn’t surprised Turcios didn’t touch gloves with him and believed he was acting out because he was nervous about being in the spotlight.

“I knew he was going to come out hard and try and swing. He likes high paced fights so I knew we were going to scramble alot. I knew it was going to be at a high pace, so I was going to go out there and slow him down and find the finish.”

“From the faceoff, I knew he was a little bit emotional, a little bit mad, and nervous. I think he was too nervous. So that’s why he reacted like, he didn’t handle the pressure well.”

Jorge Alonso BroBible avatar
Brobible sports editor. Jorge is a Miami native and lifelong Heat fan. He has been covering the NBA, MLB and NFL professionally for almost 10 years, specializing in digital media.