Hot Mic Catches UFL Center Defend His Soaking Wet Butt To Quarterback With Moist Hand

United Football League UFL

Sunday’s UFL game between the Houston Roughnecks and Michigan Panthers took a hilarious turn during the second half over a wet butt. It wasn’t quite what you might think while reading that sentence.

The absurd amount of moisture was mostly water!

For those who don’t know, football is not typically played outdoors in late May in Texas. However, the United Football League plays on a spring schedule and will not conclude its regular season until next weekend. As a result, Houston played its final home game of the year on Memorial Day weekend.

Meanwhile, a nasty late-spring heat wave rolled through the Lone Star State.

The Roughnecks play outdoors at TDECU Stadium. Temperatures hovered in the mid-90s with about 60% humidity. It was hot and the turf field certainly didn’t help!

In an effort to keep cool, Houston had its trainers going around from player to player with a cold sponge.

This is where center Jack Kramer’s butt got wet. A trainer soaked him with the sponge and it left him in a pool of water, in addition to the standard sweat that one acquires during a football game.

Quarterback Nolan Henderson had to get his hands right up under Kramer’s wet butt while running from a formation under center. They were dripping with moisture after receiving the snap. Literally.

Kramer wanted to make it abundantly clear to Henderson that his butt is not normally that wet!

The entire conversation between center and quarterback was caught on the UFL’s mics. It was hilarious.

As a result of the wet butt, Houston moved into the pistol formation. Henderson didn’t want to run under center. Can you blame him?

Jack Kramer just hopes that his soaking wet butt won’t be held against him in the future. It wasn’t his fault! It was the sponge!

Grayson Weir BroBible editor avatar
Senior Editor at BroBible covering all five major sports and every niche sport imaginable, found primarily in the college space. I don't drink coffee, I wake up jacked.