Video Shows Jake Paul Running Away From Floyd Mayweather Outside Of Heat Game, Claims Mayweather And ’50 Dudes’ Tried To Jump Him

Jake Paul outside of stadium

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Jake Paul got into a heated altercation with boxer Floyd Mayweather in Miami on Wednesday night.

After the Heat-Cavs game, Paul took to Instagram to claim that Mayweather and “50 dudes” tried to jump him outside of the Miami-Dade arena.

“So I’m leaving the Miami Heat game and Floyd Mayweather and 50 dudes pull up out of nowhere, out of like some side alley, waiting for me outside the stadium, and they’re like, ‘So what’s up? what’s all that talk now?

Paul also tweeted about the confrontation with Mayweather.

TMZ producer Michael Babcock released a video of the incident that shows Paul running away after Mayweather’s friends began circling around him.

According to TMZ, Mayweather’s people say they randomly bumped into Paul and confronted him over some disrespectful comments.


As for Floyd, sources close to the fighter say he just happened to run into Jake while leaving the basketball game, denying they were lying in wait. We’re told Mayweather believes Jake previously made comments that went beyond the typical trash talk amongst fighters, so he confronted him.

“Jake crossed the line. This wasn’t about grabbing a hat. This was about Jake’s comments to Floyd about Floyd’s deceased family member and other below-the-belt inappropriate behavior,” a source close to Floyd told us.

There’s plenty of history between Jake and Mayweather. Back in 2021, Jake stole Mayweather’s hat at a press conference in Miami which led to a heated exchange.

Jorge Alonso BroBible avatar
Brobible sports editor. Jorge is a Miami native and lifelong Heat fan. He has been covering the NBA, MLB and NFL professionally for almost 10 years, specializing in digital media.