Colorado Rockies Went Bonkers For Major League Baseball’s First-Ever Walk-Off Pitch Clock Violation

Rockies Walk-Off Pitch Clock Violation MLB
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MLB implemented the pitch clock prior to the 2023 season despite a lot of pushback from fans and players. Although it has ultimately helped to speed up the game, it created a bizarre walk-off scenario during Saturday’s game between Colorado and Washington.

The Rockies beat the Nationals on a pitch clock violation in the bottom of the ninth inning.

Never before in the history of MLB had a game been decided on a violation of this manner. It was a historic moment for the league, even though it probably would not have mattered either way. A ball high and inside was going to create the exact same outcome on the exact same pitch.

Nevertheless, a walk-off pitch clock violation was called. As strange as it was, it was also electric.

Colorado went absolutely bonkers for one of the least climactic endings of all-time!

Rockies third baseman Ryan McMahon stepped into the box with the bases loaded and the game tied at 7. He worked a 3-2 count. Nationals closer Kyle Finnegan leads the league with nine violations this season. His ninth decided the outcome of an 8-7 loss.

The home plate umpire actually gave Finnegan a one- or two-second grace period before signaling for the violation and the walk. It could have been called much sooner.

I’m just trying to focus on the pitch and then the location. I thought I picked up the clock. I guess by the time I picked up and looked at the catcher and delivered the pitch, I was just a hair too late. Those situations, it just can’t happen. We deserved to win, and I wasn’t able to do my job.

— Kyle Finnegan

Washington’s broadcast was baffled by the call. They did not disagree with the decision, which was absolutely correct. Rather, they had never seen it before and tried to comprehend what had happened.

The pitch timer, as it is formally known, was adopted in 2023. However, the time between pitches when a runner is on base was cut from 20 seconds to 18 seconds in 2024. Finnegan has struggled to catch up and it resulted in a loss on Saturday — even though his pitch would’ve been ball four anyway.

Kyle has had some trouble lately with the clock. It hadn’t really cost him to that point, but it’s something that we’ve kind of felt like might come back to haunt him at some point. He could have stepped off, but it’s a tough situation.

— Nationals manager Dave Martinez

History was made in Denver and MLB’s first walk-off pitch clock violation will not soon be forgotten!