WNBA Refs Embarrassingly Ignore Angel Reese Double-Dribble And Everyone Made The Same Joke

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It appears that Angel Reese might be getting a “special whistle” these days.

Last week, Reese blasted the refs after the Sky-Fever game in which she was assessed a flagrant foul for hitting Caitlin Clark upside the head while attempting to block a shot. While addressing the refs, Reese said she felt the Fever were getting a “special whistle.”

“I think we were playing really hard. I think we went up really strong and a lot of times we didn’t get a lot of calls and going back and looking at the film we’ve seen a lot of calls that weren’t made…I guess some people got a special whistle.”

On Thursday night, Reese went viral again, but this time, it was because the refs missed several calls against her during one play.

Of course, fans all made the same “special whistle” joke after the refs missed the call on Reese.

Jorge Alonso BroBible avatar
Brobible sports editor. Jorge is a Miami native and lifelong Heat fan. He has been covering the NBA, MLB and NFL professionally for almost 10 years, specializing in digital media.