Woman Accused Of Mocking Jesus Christ In Olympics Opening Ceremony Sketch Threatening To Sue After Receiving Hateful Messages

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Barbara Butch, the French DJ who went viral during the controversial Paris Olympics Opening Ceremony, is threatening to sue anyone who sends her hateful messages on social media.

Last week, Paris’ Olympics Opening Ceremony included a presentation featuring the Greek God Dionysus that many believed mocked Christianity and the Last Supper.

The artistic director of the Olympics Opening Ceremony in Paris explained that he wasn’t trying to mock the Last Supper but was attempting to depict a “pagan celebration.”


“There’s Dionysus arriving on a table. Why is he there? First and foremost, he is the god of celebration in Greek mythology, and the tableau is called ‘Festivity’. He is also the god of wine, which is also one of the jewels of France, and the father of Séquana, the goddess of the river Seine. The idea was to depict a big pagan celebration linked to the gods of Olympus, and thus the Olympics.”

Butch wore a crown and sat at the center of the presentation, which led to accusations that she was mocking Jesus Christ, but she insists that she was attempting to “unite people” with her art.

Butch has now filed suit after she claims she’s received hateful messages following the Olympics Opening Ceremony.

Statement via Barbara Butch’s lawyers

“Since the opening ceremony of the Paris 2024 Olympic Games artist, DJ, and activist Barbara Butch has been the target of an in an extremely violent campaign of cyber-harassment and defamation,” Butch’s lawyer Audrey Msellati said in a statement.

“She has been threatened with death, torture, and rape, and has also been the target of numerous anti-Semitic, homophobic, sexist, and anti-grossophobic insults.”

“Indeed, her commitments and personal values of benevolence, inclusivity, and love for others have always been at the heart of her artistic project, promoting festivities for all, regardless of age, sexual orientation, origin, religion, or gender.

“She is today filing several complaints against these acts, whether committed by French nationals, or foreigners, and intends to persecute anyone who tries to intimidate her in the future.”

Jorge Alonso BroBible avatar
Brobible sports editor. Jorge is a Miami native and lifelong Heat fan. He has been covering the NBA, MLB and NFL professionally for almost 10 years, specializing in digital media.