Yankees Fans Berate And Throw Beer Can At Astros Fan Minding His Own Business At Urinal

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Yankees fans have been widely criticized this offseason for their crude behavior towards Astros fans and players.

Last week, Astros manager AJ Hinch threatened to pull his team off the field because rowdy Yankees fans kept throwing bottles on the field.

During game 4 of the ALCS a Yankees fan was ejected from the game for mocking Astros pitcher Zack Grienke’s battle with anxiety and depression.

Via NY Post

One fan reportedly was ejected from the Stadium before Game 4 of the ALCS after taunting Astros starter Zack Greinke over his battles with depression and social anxiety disorder, which the 35-year-old Greinke was diagnosed with in 2006.

The man was escorted out by police as Greinke warmed up in the bullpen, according to NJ.com. According to the report, he was just one of the fans taking shots at Greinke over his depression issues

In game 5, a video showed a group of Astros fans being escorted out of their seats by security because Yankees fans kept throwing beer and popcorn at them.

Now we have another video of Yankees fan berating an Astros fan minding his own business peeing at a Urinal.


Thankfully the Yankees were eliminated last night and we don’t have to deal with their fans any more.

Jorge Alonso BroBible avatar
Jorge Alonso is a BroBible Sports Editor who has been covering the NBA, NFL, and MLB professionally for over 10 years, specializing in digital media. He isa Miami native and lifelong Heat fan.