Mark Cuban Carries Three Cell Phones With Him At All Times To Answer The Absurd Amount Of Emails He Gets Every Day

mark cuban daily schedule


As someone who devours as much media as possible, I’d have to say my ultimate guilty pleasure is reading wedding announcements in The New York Times followed very closely by the many laughably absurd articles out there where successful people outline what a day in their life is like.

In most cases, these profiles feature people who refer to themselves as a “disrupter” without a single shred of irony and who have an affinity for waking up at an ungodly hour, consuming too many ancient grains, and meditating while doing yoga on an exercise bike.


However, not every person fits into this mold— like Mark Cuban, who’s managed to build an empire without being totally insufferable.

Based on what I know about Cuban, the serial entrepreneur seems like a pretty chill and down to earth guy for someone who’s worth almost $4 billion (although I’m sure most NBA refs and the woman he made cry on Shark Tank would beg to differ).

Cuban managed to avoid falling victim to the dot-com bubble and managed to leverage the money he made in the 1990s to invest in a number of startups and other business ventures.

Cuban recently linked up with Vanity Fair to share what his typical day is like and I have to say it sounds pretty damn chill for someone as high-profile as he is.

Cuban hits the ground running by checking his email as soon as he wakes up in the morning before catching up with the news but also gives himself plenty of time to eat breakfast, drive his daughter to school, and go to the gym to smoke clowns on the basketball court.

However, the most revealing part of the video was the fact that he carries around three phones with him at all times (he’s an Android guy but has an iPhone so he can test apps he’s invested in) and uses them to answer the 700 emails he says he gets every day.

I’d like to thank Mark for making me feel even worse about the five emails I’ve been putting off answering since Monday.

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Connor Toole is the Deputy Editor at BroBible. He is a New England native who went to Boston College and currently resides in Brooklyn, NY. Frequently described as "freakishly tall," he once used his 6'10" frame to sneak in the NBA Draft and convince people he was a member of the Utah Jazz.