Here Are Some Of The Biggest Names Who Are About To Make Serious Bank Thanks To Uber’s IPO

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I went to school on the outskirts of a city with a pretty underwhelming public transportation system, so when my buddies and I wanted to go out on the town, we either had to press our luck with the trains or attempt to snag a taxi that thousands of other students were competing for.

As a result, it’s hard to describe how much my mind was blown when I was first introduced to Uber, which absolutely changed the game when it came to trying to find a ride in the wee hours of the morning.

Over the past decade, ridesharing has become ubiquitous and truly reinvented how people get around. While there are an increasing number of concerns about the moral implications of using these arguably exploitative services, that hasn’t stopped most people from continuing to do so—nor has it stopped companies from raking in cash.

On Friday, Uber will follow in the footsteps of Lyft when it officially goes public. It hasn’t released the stock price for its IPO as of this writing but it’s estimated it will value itself at an absurd $90 billion, and if The Daily Mail  is to be believed (which is admittedly an “if”), more than a few people are going to be swimming in theoretical riches once the opening bell rings tomorrow morning.

Here’s who stands to benefit the most according to the most generous initial listing price estimates.

Matt Cohler: $7.5 Billion

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Cohler is a venture capitalist who’s previously invested in Dropbox and Instagram and who serves on a number of boards, including Uber and Tinder. He currently has an estimated net worth of $700 million which is about to get a whoooooole lot bigger.

Travis Kalanick: $5.9 billion

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Kalanick is the most visible co-founder of Uber and, by many accounts, is also kind of a dick. However, as Billions has taught us, you don’t make a boatload of money by being a good guy and Kalanick is taking full advantage.

Jeff Bezos: $400 Million

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Jeff Bezos doesn’t need any more money but he’s sure as hell going to get some. I’d like to get ahead of the curve and bend the knee to humanity’s eventual overlord.

Arianna Huffington: $1 million (LOL)

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The Huffington Post founder is only slated to make a paltry $1 million if she cashes in her shares. How sad.

Other notable names who allegedly stand to profit include Miley Cyrus, Shark Tank’s Chris Sacca, and Gary Vaynerchuk.

Congratulations to all the rich for getting even richer.

Connor Toole avatar and headshot for BroBible
Connor Toole is the Deputy Editor at BroBible and a Boston College graduate currently based in New England. He has spent close to 15 years working for multiple online outlets covering sports, pop culture, weird news, men's lifestyle, and food and drink.