Inappropriately-Shaped UFO Looking Cloud Has People In Turkey And On Twitter Absolutely Baffled

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Here at BroBible dot com we take any and all UFO sighting extremely seriously.

In fact, resident UFO expert Doug Charles has probably covered more UFO sightings than anyone in the past year or so.

Take, for instance, the glowing light spotted high in the sky in India the suddenly vanished. Or what about the apparent space craft floating in the skies of Juarez,, Mexico?

But when it comes to covering oddly shaped clouds, we’ve also got you covered there. Now, you may say to yourself, ‘I’ve seen a lot of cloud. What could possibly be all that interesting?’

Well, I assure you that you’ve never seen anything quite like the cloud photographed above Turkey recently.

Twitter Brings Out The Jokes After Uniquely Shaped Cloud Is Spotted In Turkey

A lens cloud, or lenticular cloud, is a type of “stationary cloud that forms mostly in the troposphere, typically in parallel alignment to the wind direction. They are often comparable in appearance to a lens or saucer,” according to Wikipedia.

The clouds can also change color as the sun shifts around them. But one particular, uniquely shaped cloud in Turkey had onlookers and Twitter uses thinking about something entirely different.

Unsurprisingly, it didn’t take long for the jokes to come rolling in.

Look, Twitter has very clearly permanently broken everyone’s brain. But this one was a layup. And I feel bad for the poor CNN social person that had to pretend the cloud was anything other than what it was.


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Clay Sauertieg is an editor with an expertise in College Football and Motorsports. He graduated from Penn State University and the Curley Center for Sports Journalism with a degree in Print Journalism.