The Texts This Chick Sent After The Bro She Went On A Date With Wouldn’t Bang Her Are F*cking Nuts

Crazy looks bad on both sexes, so whether you’re a dude blowing up a girl’s phone because she wouldn’t suck your dick after a shitty Tinder date or a chick having a goddamn meltdown because you took the time out of your day to shave your legs and didn’t get laid, either way you look like a massive doucher.

Case in point: THIS CHICK.

Look lady, if you wanted to bang that bad you should’ve just said something. Not all men (read: any) are good at taking hints, so if you were really cruising for a dickin’ then you should’ve said so upfront. And the fact that you’re this thirsty for random dick makes you look like someone who doesn’t get out much, or at the very least needs to invest in a hearty vibrator:

What a catch. Someone scoop this lady up before she goes on another rampage.


[Via Imgur]